Why Humans Don’t Live As Long as They Once Did?
By Reno Omokri
Have you ever wondered why the animals in the Garden of Eden never posed a physical threat to Adam and Eve, or why the wild animals Noah kept in the Ark never attacked him and his family? It is because in the beginning, God created humans and animals to be vegetarians. Don’t take my word for it. Let Scripture convince you:
Genesis 1:29 is for humans:
“Then God said, "I give you every SEED-BEARING PLANT on the face of the whole earth and EVERY TREE that has FRUIT with seed in it. They will be yours for FOOD.”
Genesis 1:30 is for animals:
“And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food." And it was so.”
The difference God made between the food for humans and animals is that we were only to eat fruits and vegetables that had SEED in it. While animals were allowed to eat any fruit and vegetable, whether or not it had seeds.
Yes, Cain kept livestock-Genesis 4:2. But he did NOT eat them. They were for sacrifice.
From Genesis 1 to Genesis 9, you will not find even one verse were any man or animal ate meat. So why did man and animal start eating meat?
Genesis 9:3 gives us the answer. That verse reads:
“Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the GREEN PLANTS, I NOW give you everything.”
Notice the word ‘NOW’. God gave man and animal meat to eat because the Great Flood had destroyed all vegetation on Earth. It took a while for the Earth to be revegetated.
But then you will notice something. Noah and his ancestors all lived extraordinarily long. It was only after Noah and his children started eating meat that their lifespan reduced. Let me give my readers some examples.
Adam lived for 930 years. His son Seth, lived for 912 years. Seth’s son, Enosh lived for 905 years. Enosh’ son, Kenan, lived for 910 years. Kenan’s son, Mahalalel, lived for 895 years. Mahalalel’s son, Jared, lived for 962 years. Jared’s son, Enoch, lived for 365 years, but never died. He was taken to heaven, alive. Enoch’s son, Methuselah, lived for 969 years (the man with the longest lifespan ever). Methuselah’s son, Lamech, lived for 777 years. Lamech was the father of Noah. Noah lived to be 950 years. You can find these information in Genesis chapter 5.
Now go to Genesis 11. After man started eating meat, Shem, Noah’s son, lived for 500 years, which is half his father’s lifespan. His son, Arphaxad, lived for 403 years. Arphaxad’s son, Shelah, also lived for 403 years. Shelah’s son, Eber, lived for 430 years. Eber’s son, Peleg, lived for 209 years. Peleg’s son, Reu, lived for 207 years. Reu’s son, Serug, lived for 200 years. Serug’s son, Nahor, lived for 119 years. Nahor gave birth to Terah, who was the father of Abraham.
So you can see that it was AFTER man started eating meat that we started to live shorter and shorter lifespans.
Consult your doctor and he will tell you that if you want to live a long and healthy life, you must stop eating or reduce your intake of red meat.
In Japan, the nation with the highest life expectancy in the world, the eating of meat was banned for centuries. Google it. Even after the ban was lifted in the last century, the Japanese still rarely consume red meat. That is the secret of their longevity.
If you want to live a long, healthy and happy life, your chances are increased (but not guaranteed), if you can eat only fruit and vegetables. And not just any. Eat organic fruit and vegetables.
Think back to Daniel. Daniel 1:8 reads:
“Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not DEFILE himself with the portion of the king's MEAT”.
Daniel was a vegetarian. Daniel 1:12 reads:
“Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but VEGETABLES to eat and water to drink.”
Daniel 1:15 reads:
“At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food.”
I am proof of Daniel’s word. I don’t eat meat. I eat only organic fruit and vegetables. I eat fish and seafood. Yet, I am stronger and healthier than my own blood brother who eats meat, despite the fact that I am 10 years older than him. He travels the world with me. I run everyday for an hour. He lasts 30 minutes and gives up.
I never get sick, even though my brother gets sick periodically. Health insurance is wasted on me. Without trying to be vain, I look physically good though I am 46 years old this year (2020).
Follow the word of God. Eat and live as it says you should. “It shall be health to your navel, and marrow to your bones.”-Proverbs 3:8.
If a doctor tells you you are going to die next month, you will make peace with God and man and start living right. But we will all die one day. Tomorrow is promised to no man. Why wait until death is imminent before having a conscience at peace with God and man?