The family of Situmbeko Situmbeko, a 24-year-old from Mongu in Western Province is dissatisfied with the handling of the case by authorities following his alleged killing last Sunday by inmates while in police custody at Mongu Central Police.
In an interview with Phoenix News, family spokesperson Ruth Matundwelo expressed suspicions of foul play by the authorities, citing their actions of not involving the family and taking the body to Lewanika General Hospital mortuary without their knowledge.
Ms Matundwelo has disclosed that Phoenix News in Mongu that after taking the body to the mortuary, police instructed the mortuary attendants not to allow anyone to see the deceased’s body.
She says the family was however informed about their relative’s death by one of the mortuary attendants who knows the family and that upon inspecting his body, it was found bruised and a crack at the back of his head.
And when contacted for the comment on the matter, Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga refuted the allegations and said police will issue a comprehensive statement later.
She says the family was however informed about their relative’s death by one of the mortuary attendants who knows the family and that upon inspecting his body, it was found bruised and a crack at the back of his head.
And when contacted for the comment on the matter, Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga refuted the allegations and said police will issue a comprehensive statement later.
Credit : Phoenix News